PHV-Repositorium of the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg
The library offers all internal employees of the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg the possibility to publish electronically generated, qualified documents, which comply with the rules of the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg for publication, via this university publication server free of charge. It is committed to the principles of Open Access and thus serves the publication, verification and long-term archiving of academic documents of the university. The documents are indexed and accessible via library catalogues, databases and search engines.
If you wish to search for publications of the University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg, please select the menu "Search"; there you will find various search options. If you wish to publish a document, please select the menu "Publish". In just a few steps you can transfer your document to the university publication server. Further information can be found in our FAQs. Please contact the library if you have any questions Contact